What is life?
As I was standing in the bathroom in front of the mirror,a thought hit me, So, What is life anyway? The ultimate question, one that will hit everyone at one point of time or another.
What is the purpose of us being alive? My first answer would be, we're put on this world to suffer. Why else is there a concept of heaven and hell. We're the middle base isnt it. Life - suffering. Hell- more suffering. Heaven - no suffering.
We go through life, doing and planning things for the future. As a young student, we want to pass our exams, get good grades and get into a good uni. In uni, we strife to get that piece of paper that will apparently guarantee us a good job and a good life ahead. When we're working, we work hard to put food on the table, to afford all the materialistic aspects of life. And along the way, we forge relationships with other human beings. We fall in love, out of love, we make friends, we have babies.
At the same time, life doesnt necessarily journey along happily in that order. It seldom works out the way you plan it. Life has a sneaky way of making shit happens when you least expect it. Just when you think that you've done all you can to ensure a better future, a good life, eternal happiness, bang, the shit starts dropping. Maybe you've been diagnosed with cancer. Maybe you're fired. Maybe you lose a loved one. Maybe you get robbed.
They say life is beautiful? Issit? Beautiful in a tragic way maybe. Everything living has to breathe its last breath one day. Death is inescapable. We work hard for the future and one day it will all be gone and over with. Why put us here in this world in the first place then?
Life sucks.