Thursday, August 18, 2005

Krispy Kreme

Krispy Kreme doughnuts are unparallaled. No other doughtnuts are as amazing as the Original Glazed Krispy Kreme Donuts. Dunkin Donuts? *blehs* puhleeze. I never even looked at Dunkin Donuts. Was never tempted to. I was never a big fan of donuts, and I didnt know what the big fuss was about when I was told about this amazing glazed donut. Now, I'm a faithful follower of the Krispy Kreme ways.

If you try talking to someone about Krispy Kreme donuts, there are only 2 different reponses you can get. One is you get a blank stare (which is good. More for the rest of us). If not, the fellow krispy kremer would start talking about how amazing krispy kreme donuts are... and if you observe long enough, maybe he or she might stare of into the distance and start salivating.. like Homer Simpson.

Founded in 1937 by Vernon Rudolph in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Krispy Kreme only reached the Big Apple in 1995. It never looked back. Krispy Kreme have ventured out to eastern shores. The "fragrance of hot dough-meets-sugar envelopes you in warmth and then guides you over to the room-length windows to watch the wonderful Krispy Kreme doughnut-making machine at work." (

The dough journeys round a bicycle-chain like series of platform chambers where they gradually puff up and become all grown up. Then they dive into hot oil and their transformation from dough to Krispy Kreme donuts. Once browned, they trundle up a conveyor and finally parade through a grand sugar-glazing waterfall.

Nothing tastes as heavenly as a fresh krispy kreme straight off the converyor belt. It practically melts in your mouth... one of the few previews of what's served in heaven. A piece of heaven really. No matter how many times you've had Krispy Kreme, you always want more. It's simply orgasmic! You just want to melt along with the glaze.

However, they'd better rethink that costs of theirs... I dont think anyone would want to buy a RM7 doughnut!


Blogger psychoholic said...

Very well written. *applause*

12:12 pm  
Blogger weiqi said...

i love krispy kreme donuts!!! yummy yum yum...can imagine myself in the queue at Harrods for those absolutely heavenly fresh donuts!!

2:31 pm  

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