Wednesday, August 03, 2005

So, what is love anyway?

This four letter word L.O.V.E. is a strange word. Some say its not even a word, but its a feeling. But some people argue we choose what we feel. So can we choose to feel love?

Love is indeed a strange thing. It can make a person do crazy things. Love is an opposite of sorts. Love can make one cry, and it can make one laugh. Love can be kind, but love can also be cruel. Love can be heaven one day, and hell the next day. Love can be happy, love can be sad. How do one deal with love?

Do you pay tribute to the proverb " Dance like no one's watching, love like you're never going to get hurt"? I dunno about you but I dont think my heart can take being broken multiple times.Once or twice, it is still possible to take out the glue and stick them back, but each time its get broken, the hearts get more fragile, and can easily break again.

Or do you keep your heart tightly under wraps. Protecting it, closing it to the world hence closing it to the risk of damage. Waiting for a worthy soul that will take special care in unwrapping such a delicate thing. And when do you know who is worthy? What guarantees are there? They say there are no guarantees in life. An enemy can one day turn into a lover and vice versa.

Do you hold true to the notion that "Love Conquers All". Believe that no matter what, things will work out, that love is a power so strong that it will over come any obstacles.

How about the song "Sometimes Love Just Aint Enough". Is this a more realistic notion to hold true to? That in this material world, that simple love is insufficient to hold a relationship together. That even if two people loves each other, a lot, that it may still not work out.

I have a lot of questions on love. Love can be easy sometimes but most of the time, its really hard. It is hard to understand love. Love is blind they say. As someone clever once sang ," when your heart's on fire, you must realise , smoke gets in your eyes".

Is love worth it? What is the price to pay for the chance to experience true love? A broken heart? Is love really worth that risk ? Issit really better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all? But if you never loved, you cant miss what you never had can you?

So where does that lead us to? More complications. More questions. No answers. Can there really be no answer to what love is? That it just is ? Love is just love. No explanation. Love can be such a heartache. Love can be so depressing. Yet everyday, there is someone out there willing to take that risk and plunge themselves into this thing called Love because maybe that risk is really worth taking.


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